Be sure to check out the research and presentations that Modern Canna has participated in relating to microbial contaminants in cannabis and hemp material.
Total Yeast and Mold: A Comparison Study
Discrepancies in results from laboratories is a major problem that the cannabis industry is facing. In this presentation, Modern Canna's CSO, Jini Glaros, explores method to method variability for total yeast and mold testing in cannabis flower.
Microbials Testing: Understanding Various Techniques and Method Development
There are many technologies available to cannabis laboratories when testing for microbials. However, with so many methods it can be difficult to know which to use. In this presentation, Modern Canna's CSO, Jini Glaros, provides an overview of the various methods and outlines considerations that should be taken during method development.
Total Yeast and Mold Analysis in Cannabis Flower
There are many methods available to laboratories for performing total yeast and mold testing on cannabis flower. In this presentation, Modern Canna's CSO, Jini, explores these techniques and provides comparative data to help shine light on the variability seen in results for this analysis.
Total Yeast and Mold Testing in Cannabis - What Method Should be the Standard?

This poster compares various total yeast and mold testing plating methods, highlighting some of the questions that should be asked when processing cannabis flower for this contaminant.
Putting Total Yeast and Mold to the Test
Tune into this podcast featuring Jini and hosted by Medicinal Genomics, to learn more about total yeast and mold testing and some of the battles laboratories face when conducting this analysis.
The Benefits and Pitfalls of Total Yeast and Mold Counts in Cannabis Labs

The reliability of performing total yeast and mold (TYM) counts on cannabis material has been widely debated in recent years. In this article, Jini explores the complexities surrounding this testing and why it has received scrutiny in recent years.